United States May Cut Off Aid To Nigeria Following Alamieyeseigha’s Presidential Pardon

The United States of America is considering cutting aid to Nigeria following the presidential pardon granted to former Bayelsa State Governor, Diepreye Alamieyeseigha, and seven others. Nigeria is a major recipient of U.S. aid in Africa, receiving approximately $226 million in development aid last year and expecting $600 million this year. Alamieyeseigha was convicted of…

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Catholic Cardinal Claims Paedophilia Is Not A Crime

Catholic Archbishop of Durban, Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, has sparked controversy by defending paedophiles who were abused as children, arguing they are not criminally responsible for their actions in the same way as someone who “chooses to do something like that.” Cardinal Napier, who was among the cardinals who elected Pope Francis, described paedophilia as…

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