Hold up, Naija! Ever wondered how we can all just get along, despite different beliefs? Well, a group is training educators to be the real MVPs of religious freedom! These teachers are becoming advocates, ready to preach tolerance and understanding. Let’s dive in!
- What’s the Buzz? Educators are being trained on Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB).
- Why? To tackle religious intolerance and foster peace.
- Who’s Involved? Empower Women Media, educators, and advocates from across Nigeria.
- The Goal? A more tolerant and unified Nigeria!
Educators: The New Champions of Religious Freedom
In a groundbreaking move, Empower Women Media, a multi-faith network, has taken the bull by the horns by training educators to become advocates for Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB). This ain’t your average classroom lesson. This is about building a society where everyone, no matter their faith, can live in peace!
The training, themed “Educators as Advocates for Peaceful Coexistence,” brought together over 50 educators and advocates from all corners of Nigeria. These aren’t just teachers; they’re becoming champions for a more unified Nigeria, under the ‘Live What You Believe Project’.
Why Now? Why Teachers?
According to Mr. Felix Samari, the Country Coordinator, FoRB isn’t about favoring one religion over another. It’s about protecting everyone’s right to believe – or not believe – in whatever they choose. This right is enshrined in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Section 38 of the Nigerian Constitution. But let’s face it, not everyone is getting the memo, with some politicians and religious leaders spreading hate like wildfire. Teachers, as the bedrock of society, are perfectly positioned to make a real change.
Think about it: teachers shape young minds. By understanding and applying the principles of religious freedom, they can create a more tolerant society. It’s about planting the seeds of respect and understanding in the next generation.
The Key to a United Nigeria
Alkasim Mohammad, the keynote speaker, emphasised the importance of teachers in promoting values of respect, love, and coexistence. Classrooms must be safe spaces for learning, regardless of religious background. Teachers should also be on the lookout for religious misinformation and extremist ideas, encouraging students to think critically.
What Teachers Need to Do:
- Instil values of respect, love, and coexistence.
- Ensure classrooms are safe for all.
- Discourage extremism with critical thinking.
- Counter religious misinformation.
- Provide emotional and psychological support.
Dr. Longji Dambok added that religious leaders also have a role in teaching tolerance for a united and peaceful society. If the leaders are talking the talk and walking the walk of religious tolerance, we all are going to benefit. It’s a team effort!
Real Impact, Real People
Rahinatu Tukur, the Amira of FOMWAN, Jema’a Local Government, Kaduna State, says this training has been a game-changer, equipping educators with essential knowledge to integrate FoRB into their teaching. Similarly, Prof. Emem Olutoke of the University of Abuja believes religious tolerance is key to unity, peace, and development. These participants aren’t just attending a training; they’re becoming agents of change, ready to spread these vital values throughout Nigeria.
The event is a wake up call for everyone to start taking FoRB seriously. These educators are the spark, ready to light the way towards a more tolerant and unified Nigeria. And with more trainings like this, who knows what can be achieved? Maybe Nigeria can really come together.